Type a ‘Job Name’ in the Box on Right >

Drag & Drop either a 1-page PDF, or a 2-page PDF (Front + Back) onto the Upload Area on the Right.
Then Click the BLUE "CHECKOUT" Button
Click + More files if you have multiple print jobs in your Basket that you have professional Artwork for


  • Printed Full Colour digitally via Over-printing.
  • Supply as actual size, press-ready PDF only, at actual size e.g C4 is 324mm x 229mm (no reg. marks reqd).

Best to keep a 10mm clear zone all around.


  • NO registration marks are required. Supply as ACTUAL SIZE only (even if you have Bleed to the edge).
  • Set all artwork to CMYK (no Grayscale or RGB allowed as colour shifts will occur) for best results. Any existing spot colour Pantone ink references should be converted completely to CMYK only.
  • Convert all Fonts to paths/outlines before making PDF.
  • Avoid text less than 5pt. Avoid Serif fonts under 6pt.

Printing cannot occur on any of the edges or creases, as the envelope is Over-printed only (and not flat-sheet).

NOTE: Ink will run if it gets wet!

These are not intended to be used in continuous outdoor environment. Given the nature of envelopes, the paper and content should remain dry. Please manage your own or your customers' expectations in lieu.



  • C4 (324mm wide x 229mm high).
  • Flap is always at the Right (pocket flap).
  • Save your PDF as actual size (NO crop or reg. marks!) at canvas size of 324mm x 229mm only.

Flap Type:

  • All flaps are DOWN by default.
  • All flaps are Pocket (right, short edge) only.
  • The flaps have a Peel & Seal glue strip.
Based on the selection of product size and additional option attributes, you can view and download the help template for the product.