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11 Sustainable Alternatives to Products Used Every Day

11 Sustainable Alternatives to Products We Use Every Day

Protecting the environment and dealing with global climate change has become a top priority for governments, companies, businesses, and individuals worldwide. Due to increased awareness regarding the adverse impact of our carbon footprint, efforts to make this world a cleaner and greener place have heightened.

The COP26 UN Climate Change Conference 2021 was held in Glasgow this year, hosted by the UK in partnership with Italy. Country leaders got together to devise plans to accelerate action towards the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement and develop the Glasgow Climate Pact – the first climate agreement that plans to reduce coal usage. However, according to the 18-year-old environmental activist Greta Thunberg, world leaders are not listening to the planet. At the Youth4Climate event held in Milan in September 2021, she dismissed them with her Blah Blah Blah” rhetoric, conveying that all they do is speak when what they should be doing is taking action to stop the climate crisis. Since world leaders aren’t paying heed, it is up to the public and businesses to do something about it and take the lead.

One way to take leads is to switch to sustainable alternatives to products and encourage eco-friendly practises at home and in the workplace. If you want to take a bold step and create sustainable growth for yourself or your business, you need to start by substituting your everyday products with eco friendly alternatives. Let’s discuss a few in this article.

Trade Printing UK has a variety of recyclable and biodegradable paper products, such as eco-friendly padded envelopes in various sizes


1. Reusable Water Bottles

All over the world, human beings use around one million plastic bottles per minute, and this number is increasing each day. While recycling programs do exist, a whopping 91% of plastic does not get recycled. Who’s to blame?

Most offices have a break room, kitchen, or cafeteria where employees can get water, tea and coffee. Unfortunately, many workplaces use single-use plastic, paper, or Styrofoam cups for water and drinks, which are very harmful to the environment as they’re not biodegradable. Thus, they will spend years (or forever) in landfills or pollute lakes, rivers, and oceans.

Carry around a reusable bottle or Thermos for your water or coffee and encourage your employees to do the same. It’s a small change that everyone can make. However, if eliminating single-use cups seems too jarring, consider using eco friendly alternatives like compostable plant-based cups. They break down more quickly than regular cups made of plastic.


2. Recyclable and Biodegradable Paper

Even in today’s digital age, we cannot possibly eliminate paper use. Paper products are used for a variety of functions, some of which do not have digital alternatives. Unfortunately, paper products can cause as much pollution as plastic products.

If you are looking for sustainable alternatives to products you use every day, consider switching to eco-friendly or recyclable paper. This will help you save energy and water and reduce the amount of junk that ends up in landfills. Trade Printing UK has a variety of recyclable and biodegradable paper products, such as eco-friendly padded envelopes in various sizes. Get some for your workplace today!


3. Reusable Food Containers and Straws

Just like plastic water bottles, plastic food containers are also a potential threat to the environment. Instead of taking your lunch to work in a new single-use plastic container every day, invest in a glass or stainless steel food container. Not only will it keep your food warm, but it will also diminish the risk of phthalates, BPA, PVS, and lead poisoning. If you prefer to buy lunch every day rather than bringing it from home, order from restaurants that use eco-friendly packaging.

Similarly, avoid using plastic straws. Although small, they can cause enormous environmental problems when they accumulate. Plastic straws contain a dangerous chemical – polypropylene – that can dissolve in water and disturb our oestrogen levels. All over the world, people are gradually moving away from plastic straws and opting for paper, metal or glass ones. Join the movement today by getting your hands on reusable straws or shop only from restaurants that use biodegradable straws made of organic materials.

Join the movement today by getting your hands on reusable straws or shop only from restaurants that use biodegradable straws made of organic materials


4. Recycled Paper Toilet Paper

According to Better Planet, paper products equivalent to 270,000 trees are dumped in landfills or flushed each day, and 10% of this is toilet paper alone. We need to start considering eco friendly alternatives.

Instead of buying regular toilet paper every time you go grocery shopping, opt for organic bamboo and sugarcane toilet paper which is 100% biodegradable and septic safe. Some companies also make toilet paper out of 100% recycled paper so find out who those are and add their products to your trolley!


5. Organic/Reusable Sanitary Products

Until recently, menstruation was considered too taboo for public conversation. Because of this, a lot of women don’t have awareness regarding the use of sanitary products. Many women around the world today use disposable, single-use pads that pile up and end up in landfills or sewers. They are the primary building block of fatbergs. Fatbergs are rock-like masses of waste products in a sewer system formed by the culmination of flushed non-biodegradable products like sanitary napkins. These masses block the sewage system and produce a very strong stench.

Conduct a women’s seminar at your workplace and encourage organic sanitary napkins, menstrual cups, or reusable period underwear. If you have a sanitary napkin dispenser at the office, ensure it dispenses organic or reusable sanitary products.


6. Reusable Grocery Bags

Each year, we use 5 trillion plastic bags worldwide, causing our planet to drown in plastic pollution. Since 91% of plastic products do not get recycled, it is time to step up and change how we shop.

Instead of plastic or polythene bags, use reusable cloth bags or biodegradable paper bags. You won’t have to miss out on the convenience, and you will save money on purchasing plastic bags each time you go grocery shopping.

Supermarkets in the UK have imposed “plastic bag taxes” with prices per plastic bag ranging between 10p and 25p each. These taxes aim to try and change people’s poorly-planned buying habits at supermarkets. Switching to reusable supermarket-branded cloth bags (which usually cost around £1-£3) will save you money very quickly and last for years. UK supermarkets usually guarantee multi-year use of their own cloth bags, and most offer a swap-out guarantee where they will replace the bag for you if it falls apart or breaks.

Instead of plastic or polythene bags, use reusable cloth bags or biodegradable paper bags


7. Rechargeable Batteries

Batteries contain a variety of chemicals, most of which are toxic and cause soil and water pollution. To prolong the life of your batteries and prevent them from polluting the environment, look into rechargeable ones.

If you use appliances and gadgets that require batteries, make sure you equip them with rechargeable ones. If you need to dispose of electronics you no longer need, connect with stores that offer incentives for recycling or provide proper facilities to dispose of electronics.


8. Programmable Thermostats

Programmable thermostats are a game-changer for the environment, and they can help you save up to £120 a year in energy costs!

Your thermostat controls almost half your energy bill, so you need to focus your attention on it if you want to conserve energy and lower electric costs. The current oil, gas and energy prices in the UK are soaring because wholesale energy prices have increased due to the global economic bounce-back after the COVID-19 pandemic. From August 2021 alone, wholesale gas prices have " target="_blank" class="p-product-category-long-description-link" rel="nofollow, noopener">increased by 70%. According to The Consumer Council, the increase in energy prices means that the annual bill of a typical household with a prepayment meter will rise by about £268 or £255 a year.

With a programmable thermostat, you can view how much energy you’re using and for what purpose. This can help you make the right decisions about energy usage and help you save money on bills.

Programmable thermostats are a game-changer for the environment


9. Compostable Cutlery

While we encourage reusable cutlery, sometimes it is not physically feasible to carry your cutlery wherever you go. In that case, you should try to grab compostable cutlery.

Most compostable cutlery items are made of corn and are 100% biodegradable. When placed in the appropriate conditions, compostable cutlery can decompose within 180 days, sometimes even sooner, depending on what it is made of.


10. Natural Cleaning Products

Cleaning products that we use around our house or in workplaces contain a variety of environmentally harmful chemicals. Most come in plastic packaging that is not recyclable or biodegradable. Consider investing in natural cleaning products if you want the same results after cleaning but with much less potential environmental damage.

Natural cleaning products come in reusable bottles or biodegradable packaging. Plus, they do not contain any toxic ingredients, so they help you cut down on plastic waste AND reduce exposure to toxins.


11. Reusable Dish Towels

Lastly, avoid using single-use paper towels to dry dishes after you wash them. Instead, use reusable dish towels made of 100% organic cotton. They are an excellent alternative for paper towels. They don’t lead to paper pollution, and you can toss them in your laundry machine after every wash if you find the need.


Find Sustainable Alternatives to Paper Products at Trade Printing UK!

This brings us to the end of our list of sustainable alternatives to products we use every day. If you are currently revamping your workspace and looking for eco-friendly materials and stationery, contact Trade Printing UK right away! Call us at 028 9084 1234 to learn more about our products and print services.